Although it wasn’t in my plan, I’ve come to realize that God’s plan is always better then anything I could come up with myself.
It was almost one year ago that we found out I was pregnant. I was in shock. Although Blair and I had known each other since middle school, we had only been dating for just under a year. Plus we had just moved cities and had both just started new jobs. It didn’t seem like it was the right time, but maybe it never seems like the right time.
My first trimester was miserable. I was constantly sick and had no energy. Second trimester was much better, and on October 31, 2015 Blair asked me to marry him while at an A&M football game.Â
All of a sudden it was my third trimester. Blair and I decided on January 30, 2016 that we wanted to be legally married before the baby was here. So we went to the court house and made it legal. Someday we will have a real wedding, but for now we are happy and content. With teaching, coaching soccer, and my baby shower, my third trimester flew by.Â
On April 21, 2016 I was supposed to go to work. My official due date was not until April 28 and my doctor didn’t think he’d be here anytime before the 22nd. That morning though I felt funny, I had lost my mucus plug and had some blood spilt as well. I called my doctor and spoke with another teacher and decided to stay home and rest. By noon I was having pretty painful contractions. I called Blair around 2 and asked him to come home and take me to see the doctor. My water still had not broken but my contractions were about 7 minutes apart and getting closer. We went to my OB office around 3pm and they said I was only 1 cm dilated but 100% effaced. So they sent me home and told me to go on a walk. We went home but didn’t even make it half a mile before I was in so much pain I couldn’t even move. So we went straight to the hospital. On the way Blair called both our parents and told them what was happening. I only wanted Blair in the delivery room and we didn’t know how long it would take so we told them they didn’t have to come right away. Of course they did though. We got to the hospital and waited for what felt like forever in the waiting room before finally being admitted around 5pm. Since my water still had not broken, they put me in the pre-check room to see if I was really in active labor. I was not happy about this since I was in so much pain and there didn’t seem to be a break between contractions. I was constantly asking for pain medicine and an epidural. I kept being told it was too soon. Around 8pm I had progressed to 4 cm dilated and they moved me to the delivery room and finally said I could get an epidural! The problem was the anesthesiologist had his phone on silent and did not come for another hour! When he finally showed up after 9pm I was already at 10cm. They still gave me the epidural and right after they broke my water and told me it was time to push. It only took 3 contractions and 15 minutes to get him out. I remember hearing him scream and finally thinking it was all over. He was born at 9:59 pm and was 6 lbs 4 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. (At that point I was finally numb.) Blair got to cut the umbilical cord and I watched while they cleaned him up. They brought him over for me to hold and he immediately wanted to eat. He was a champ and latched on right away. (He also decided it was time for his first poop and pooped on my arm.) I could not have gone through everything without such a supportive partner and God. It was the hardest but most rewarding moment of my life and a day I will never forget.Â
I’ll eventually post what was in my hospital bag, what it was like that first week home with a newborn, etc. But for now I just wanted to share our journey of becoming parents. No ones is ever easy. But it’s always worth it.