My journey with oils actually began 4 years ago when Braxton was born. I had a very difficult recovery due to 3rd/almost 4th degree tearing and I was in pain daily for months. After seeing a few doctors with no relief, I decided to research some homeopathic remedies. Everything pointed to using oils.
At that time, we were on such a tight budget, and I was so new to the idea of oils that I decided to just go with the “cheapest” I could find thinking they were all the same. I bought Lavender, Turmeric, Tea Tree, and Oregano Oil along with some Coconut Oil and they worked like a charm. They didn’t smell the greatest, but they helped when nothing else did.
I would then use oils on and off for the next few years. Another time they came in handy when when I got Hand, Foot, Mouth from my toddler. Coconut oil with lavender oil soothed my pain.
But it wasn’t until this past year that my eyes were truly opened to the magic of plants and the importance of quality. My dad has been going through cancer treatments and his pain is sometimes unbearable. He has been prescribed the strongest pain medicines, but the side effects are almost as bad as the pain. So he tried CBD oil, and it has been the only thing that controls his pain with no side effects. I realized then that it was important for me and my family to find the best oils to help us. This led me to Young Living. And I have zero regrets. Comparing my old “cheap” oils to Young Living oils are like night and day. The products, beyond just the oils, have helped my family so much. My first full month with the company I hit Star Rank, and the extra income has been amazing for my family.

The community of amazing boss women that I have met is the cherry on top. They are so supportive of each other, and are always there to answer any question I have. I’ve also made new friends in the amazing women who have decided to sign up with me. This has been the greatest decision I have made in 2020, and I’m so grateful for this. I’m happy to share more, and if you ever have any questions, always feel free to message me!
To follow along on my journey, follow me here on my Oil Instagram: @aggie.oils
And if you want to try them out for yourself, click here!