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My baby boy is 8 months old! Where did the time go? I was looking through old photos the other day and wanted to cry seeing how little my baby was and how big he is now. I’m completely torn between wanting him to stay tiny forever and loving seeing him learn new things and grow.

(Braxton in his 8 month old picture! You can see his two bottom teeth in the picture. Outfit thanks to Aunt Dawn & Uncle Thomas.)

Not much on my own fitness update to be honest. I haven’t gained any but I also haven’t lost any. I’d blame it on the Holiday’s, but really I think it has more to do with lack of sleep. Braxton has been going through a sleep regression and I’m so tired during the day that working out is the last thing I want to do. Excuses though…because really in reality working out would help boost my energy. I have been getting some motivation from seeing other new moms on Instagram. Two of my favorites to follow are @Mishkadawn and @goodfortheswole. I’ve been doing @goodfortheswole at home workouts and they’ve been keeping me from gaining during my lazy days. Check out her videos on her Instagram! Not related to my fitness postpartum, some other postpartum updates for me:

  • I had to get glasses this month. Not sure if my eyes have gotten bad from lack of sleep or just age, but I failed my eye exam when trying to get my drivers license renewed so now I got some new eyewear.
  • My hair is still falling out a ton, but not in clumps like before so I’m glad that’s slowed down. But it’s also starting to regrow in some places which doesn’t look great…

(Photo by Thomas Chen Photography.)

Much more has been going on for Braxton though. I feel like he’s changing every day and looking at his newborn pictures compared to now…he doesn’t even look like the same baby!

(He’s so good at tummy time now!)

Some of his new tricks this month are:

  • Rolling over from back to stomach, and stomach to back.
  • He’s able to scoot on his stomach! Not crawling yet, but will belly scoot in a circle.
  • He’s also able to scoot on his butt. If a toy is too far away, he’ll scoot to it without falling over! His balance is getting so good.
  • Babbling a lot more. Not saying words exactly, but babbling.
  • Loves stuff that crinkles. Water bottles are his favorite, but we also discovered he loves the big fake Candy Canes that are filled with candy.
  • Eating a ton. Drinking less milk, but eating more baby food and loves teething wafers and puffs.
  • Has pretty much outgrown his baby carseat. (Chicco KeyFIt 30) So for an early Christmas present, my parents bought him a new convertible carseat. (Chicco Nextfit)
  • Went to the Disney Store for the first time! He loved everything there. I insisted that we had to get him something, so Blair agreed we could get him something small. He loves the Tsum Tsum mini episodes on TV so we held up two mini Tsum Tsum and asked which one he wanted. He reached for both at the exact same time, so of course we bought him both. (To be fair, it was Chip and Dale. So he was right that you can’t just get one and not the other…)
  • Shaking his head no.
  • Grabs my face and gives me kisses. (Sometimes will give daddy kisses, but mostly tries to slap daddy’s face.)
  • Wearing 9-12 month clothes. He won’t have another appointment until his 9 month appointment so not sure of his weight and height but I’m guessing about 20 pounds.

(Braxton with his new Tsum Tsum’s. He always wants to hold both at the same time.)

We took Braxton to the Trail of Lights on Wednesday night for his 8 month birthday. It’s become a tradition for us to go since we took our baby announcement photo there last year. It’s much different with a baby! Last year we bought zip passes to get in early and paid to park at Zilker Park. I had planned to do the same this year since it made things so easy last year. Unfortunately planning got away from me and prices went up so that didn’t happen. Instead, we got general admission tickets for free from Blair’s work and parked for free at his parking garage. This saved us a ton of money, but meant a lot of walking and dealing with the crowds. We still had a lot of fun, and Braxton seemed to enjoy all the lights. Plus he got a Mickey Mouse book for free! We ended up only paying $6 for a bag of kettle corn for the total cost of the night. (And walking 4.6 miles.)

(At the start of the Trail of Lights. Braxton was so distracted by all the people and lights.)

(At Santa’s Workshop in the Trail of Lights.)

Braxton is about to have his first Christmas! This is a big one for us because not only is it his first Christmas, but it is also Blair and I’s first Christmas being married and first Christmas being parents. I can’t wait to start our own traditions! This year we will celebrate Christmas Eve with my in laws, Christmas Morning by ourselves, and Christmas Day with my family. I’m super excited for all the festivities and will post pictures of everything next week! (Including what Braxton got for Christmas.)

(Our stockings are ready to go!)

(This was our first ornament we bought together last year. Since we had gotten engaged the month before and because of my love for Disney.)

(It only made sense that we would get a Mickey ornament for Braxton’s first ornament.)

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